PTO Membership is only $15 per family & $10 per staff member
Please join! Membership has it's privileges...
* You must be a PTO member to participate as a classroom volunteer, to go on class trips, or to help out with the many committees and activities the PTO provides at our school.
* Even if your time is limited, PTO members will get email updates to keep up with what's going on!
* If you have no time to volunteer, your $15 helps our budget, which helps all our children!
(Did you know PTO pays for assemblies, HS scholarships, class trips, and much more?)
Teachers/Staff: help us to help you! We need your participation too!
Here is how you can sign up:
FAMILIES: Sign up through this Google Form link and then send your $15 payment by Venmo (@Dunellen-PTO), or by sending cash or check to Faber your child's school in an envelope marked Dunellen PTO (please make sure that your name and your child's name are also on the envelope).
TEACHERS: Sign up through this Google Form Link and then send your $10 payment by Venmo (@Dunellen-PTO), or by dropping your cash or check in an envelope marked Dunellen PTO with your name in the PTO Mailbox at your school.
Dunellen PTO - Teacher Registration (
Families and Teachers can also download paper forms below (parent or staff form),
fill out and send into school with your check payable to "Dunellen PTO" or cash $15